You may not know it, but we think you already have the tools you need to make the impact you want. We can help you get the most out of your existing toolbox… and add some new strategies, too!

What we can do together:

  • Dream it.

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a program. Maybe you want to start a new project, but don’t quite know where to start.

    We are happy to consult with you to help you build a program that is evidence-based and grounded in best practices.

  • Build it.

    You have a vision, but you need help bringing it to fruition. Maybe you want help building or designing your program or intervention. Maybe you want help bringing new elements into an existing program, like a survey, interview or focus group.

    We are happy to assist you with program design (e.g., how to build your program or intervention) and/or program planning (e.g., developing a survey, developing an interview or focus group guide).

  • Grow it.

    You may be a well-established business or program, but you’re ready to grow! Maybe you need to evaluate your current programming so you can apply for new / additional funding. Maybe you want to present the impact of your program to stakeholders to make a case for extended support or reach.

    We are happy to create, implement and complete a program evaluation (e.g., create an evaluation strategy for your program, collecting and/or analyzing existing quantitative or qualitative data), assist with report writing for an upcoming grant or funding opportunity, and/or provide a presentation to key stakeholders on an area of expertise or program findings.